Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1: Coming Home Reviews

You must be logged in to write a review for this comic. I will give another chance to another graphic novel in these series, who knows? My first impressions were not all that bad. In the end, this comic has achieved above and beyond my expectations. I suppose I didn't really know what to expect, so my bar was low. And just when I thought everything has come to the end, we get the final panel, which left me gasping in my seat.

amazing spider man vol 1 coming home

It flowed very well and had a very satisfying ending. Some of Morlun's lines I could have done without though. 2 in particular that I am almost certain that other people had a problem with as well. Peter Parker's narration is frickin awesome as well. You can tell he has grown a lot and definitely thinks as a bit of man-child. I love the ending because it's a great cliffhanger and makes you want to read volume two instantly.

(The Amazing Spider-Man ( Collected Editions #

"You've never faced a threat like this before!!!" Well, I'd argue that he has, but even overlooking that, it's a lazy approach to making the threat seem formidable. We're told that Peter can't possibly survive a confrontation with Morlun, but we the readers know he'll be okay. Even if Peter was too proud to ask for help, Morlun's activities are wrecking the city and causing all manner of damage, death and injury.

amazing spider man vol 1 coming home

And what is the ancient evil that has arrived in America in search of Peter. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of The Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read.


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amazing spider man vol 1 coming home

Coming Home marks a new run of the Amazing Spider-man by Michael Straczynski and John Romita Jr. and bought of them have done an exceptional job. Straczynski's writing has a very nice flow to it, and each characters tend to have their own voice. Romira Jr. has definitely had a downfall compared to what he did in the past, but this run truly marks as one his last best works. This was a special release, with a really special introductory offer price, and so I decided, why not? However, I am not accustomed to reading Graphic Novels and Comics... Without a doubt, this book by Straczynski is a jewel of modern comics, as well as being the prelude to all the important events of Spider-man of the last two decades.

Collects/Reprints 6 Issues

Also, I can't help but feel some of the illustrations feel homosexually inspired. I can't put my finger on it, but maybe you can be the judge. One of the problems with comic books is the recycling of old villains instead of creating new ones, and when they do create one, the villains turn out be weak and utterly forgettable.

Jeez Louise, I should never have let this happen. I liked all of Spiderman/Peter Parker's internal dialog that he was having with himself. Somewhat surprisingly, the child did not find any of the subject matter scary. Now I'm stuck with the challenge of how to make this thing disappear, so that he will quickly forget it's existence and I won't have to worry about what mystery substances are covering this thing. This volume sets an example for what a superhero comic book run should be like. And if this trend continues, this run may get down as one of the bests in history, unless there's one more day unlike any other that may prove to be a hinder in this great run.

Spider-Man is my favourite superhero for so many reasons. I love his earnestness, relatability, determination and his bizarre timing with his humour . Peter returns to his Highschool to see how things are going, and he realizes that for kids like him things get even more complicated in the present, crime and deterioration have grown in the area. Do you love good storytelling in comics? What I didn't like was the Earth-based origin story for the major villain. He's been around long enough and should be a major player in the world.

amazing spider man vol 1 coming home

No, this is the next stage of Peter's life (as a married man, his shift as a mentor & role model for kids, etc) that mature and long-time readers can particularly enjoy and relate to. The next issue (#31), Peter Parker develops a new direction in his life, which I absolutely love. 1 it makes sense to give Peter this new story.

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I am glad Peter Parker becoming Spider-Man isn't some prophecy or some crap. The idea was handled well and did not take over the story like I thought it would. A lot of great dialogue comes from scenes Peter and Ezekiel discussing this topic. Although, we never find out why Ezekiel knows the information he does. Morlun as a villain was good because he was menacing and seemed like an unfeeling unstoppable force that did provide for a lengthy but bad-ass fight between him and Spider-Man.

It seemed as though no one understood the difficult balance between mortal and hero. Being a team player and having a positive attitude towards collective code ownership, code reviews, retros, etc. Our mission is to build trust everywhere by making tomorrow’s communication smarter, safer and more efficient. We focus on bringing smart services with big social impacts, like protecting people from fraud, harassment, and scam calls or messages.

This comic dealt with some very adult issues in such an approachable way; it was so much fun! Who’d of thought I’d go on to discuss literary themes in a spider-man comic off all things? I’ve not read a great deal of graphic novels. I’m slowly worming my way into the genre by reading one a week. I’ve enjoyed a couple, but I’ve not felt an inclination to pursue reading them for much longer.

John Romita Jr. as I have said before in my Kick-Ass or Batman reviews is one of my favorite artists and has the most recognizable artwork in comics. He does a fantastic job here as always and all the great visuals he drew here hold up tremendously. I mean the artwork is amazing, detailed, sleek and modern, with a lot of nice touches here and there. ; hmm, well it is the usual story in these cases I guess. Remember, I am not a fan of graphic novels...

This volume brought me back as a Spider-Man fan many years ago, when I first read it. I know that the spider-totem storyline isn't the most popular arc for Spidey fans, but I personally enjoyed it. Now, I am not opposed to my kid being exposed to real-world stuff within reason and he does love super heroes, but this book is almost hilariously not suitable for a child of his age. Do I act like a "responsible" parent and explain to him that that it was a nice gift from Auntie's client, or do I throw caution to the wind and let him be exposed to this book that he was so excited about? I decided that instead of being an asshole parent in his eyes, that let him keep it, so it quickly became his first pick for bedtime reading. There are two ways, that I know of, to re-imagine a superhero's origin.

amazing spider man vol 1 coming home

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